Sundays Together

We meet at 10 am on Sundays to worship Jesus as a spiritual family through singing, sharing, biblical teaching, and prayer.

Each week we sing of God’s goodness and worship Him for His amazing grace and redemptive love. Often a few stories are shared of how God is working among us and in those for whom we are praying. Then we hear God’s word preached, followed by an opportunity to respond in prayer and obedience.

On the first Sunday of every month, we come to the Lord’s Table (also known as communion). These times include scripture reading, prayer, reflection and then sharing together the bread and the cup. During communion, members of our ministry team are available to pray with and for anyone desiring prayer.

Here are some other reasons why coming together on Sundays is important to us...

All About God

As we sing, preach, share and celebrate, we strive to keep our focus on God our Father, His Son Jesus who died for our sins, and the Holy Spirit who helps and guides us into all truth. Our Sunday Gatherings are not about showing off or performing to impress people, but about pointing everyone to God and celebrating His love towards us. We hope to clearly and consistently communicate the good news of Jesus to all who gather with us.

Designed for Everyone

Our teaching on Sundays is mostly through exegetical series, where we study through a book in the Bible and apply its truth to our lives. We also focus on significant moments throughout the year, such as the season leading up to Christmas called Advent, the events leading up to Good Friday when Jesus was crucified for our sins, and Easter Sunday when He rose from the dead.  Any Sunday you visit you will hear solid biblical teaching that is Christ-centered, grace-filled, and accessible to all.  Infants and toddlers are provided care in our Nursery, which is available for the entire Sunday service.  Preschoolers (ages 2-4), Covenant Kids (grades K-3) and Upper Room (grades 4-6) are dismissed for their classes after worship.

There's More

As important as our Sunday Gatherings are, they are not the whole picture. We live with a strong belief that church is not a meeting to attend or a building to which we drive. Church is a group of people who are committed to following Jesus and to loving one another as a spiritual family. So we also encourage you to get to know people and be connected to our community, which can certainly start on a Sunday but is better achieved in a smaller group where you can know and be known by those who are committing to do life together. These smaller groups meet on various days of the week around the city. These smaller groups meet on various days of the week around the city.

We hope you find a group to visit.
More from our statement of faith